Thursday, April 22, 2010

Archaeologists unearth 6th century Ikea-style temple

"Archaeologists in Italy have unearthed the remains of a 6th century BC temple-style building complete with detailed assembly instructions which they have likened to an Ikea do-it-yourself furniture pack.

Nearly every remaining part of the elaborate structure, excavated near the southern city of Potenza, is inscribed with detailed instructions on how it should be built..."

Friday, April 2, 2010

30 odd years of changes... or not as the case may be

Whilst looking through some old photographs i found one of the first house i ever lived in in the early 1970s (though i was too young at the time to remember anything about it!) Thanks to Google Street View i was able to have a look and see what the house looks like today and to be honest there have not been a great deal of changes over the last 35 or so years.

Apart from the doors, windows and maybe the odd bit of paint the house itself is not that different though the garden has changed dramatically.