A couple of photos from my collection of "old" Birmingham. Though not that old really, no older than the 1970s or 1980s (but of course to any teenager this means ancient history). As a fan of
Brutalist architecture I prefer the old Bull Ring to the swish modern one, though i have to admit the shops in the new one are better!

Hi Chris
Just to let you know that I've used your 1970's photos of the Bull Ring and the High Street and your grandad's photos of Nechells on my website 'Old Birmingham Pictures' - http://oldbirminghampictures.lefora.com/under the Creative Commons Licence and have given you credit for them. You'll find them under City Centre: Bull Ring, City Centre: Streets and Shops and Nechells.
If you'd be interested in uploading any more images you'd be very welcome.
I've been interested to read of your journey through the OU, one I took many years ago. I'm rather tempted to take it up again having read your blog!
Best regards, Bill Dargue
Hi Bill, thats great. Thats a nice site you've got there!
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